What are Spider and Reticular veins?
Spider veins are very small, fine, red or blue veins that are less than 1 mm in diameter. They lie close to the surface of the skin and may resemble a thin red line, tree branches, or spiderweb patterns.
Small varicose veins, also known as reticular veins, are small blood vessels that measure between 1 to 3 mm in diameter. Reticular veins can enlarge as a result of increased pressure in the vein and are sometimes visible just below the skin’s surface.
You may have only small varicose veins or both small varicose and spider veins at the same time.

What is Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure done by a physician to treat uncomplicated reticular veins (very small “spider veins” and uncomplicated small varicose veins). The treatment involves the injection of a solution into the affected veins. It works by damaging the cells lining the inside of the blood vessels causing blood platelets to attach to the lining of the vessels. Eventually, cellular debris and platelets cause the blood vessels to clot. Over time, the clotted vein will be replaced with tissue. For best results it is recommended that you plan for three sclerotherapy treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.
Now at Central Austin Dermatology and Aesthetics

Asclera is an FDA-approved prescription medication used in the treatment of cosmetic small vein therapy.
Asclera has been evaluated and verified to be safe and effective, in contrast to compounded medications that have not been approved by the FDA.

What to expect during treatment
- Treatment typically lasts between 15-45 minutes.
- Antiseptic is used to clean the area.
- A very fine needle is used to inject Asclera.
- A slight sting may accompany each injection.
What happens after my treatment?
- Immediately following treatment, you will need to walk for 15-20 minutes.
- You will need to wear compression stockings for 2-3 days following treatment.
Avoid for 2-3 days after treatment:
- Heavy exercise
- Hot tubs and saunas
- Long flights
- Sunbathing