Hair Loss

Hair loss doesn’t have to be permanent, let Central Austin Dermatology & Aesthetics help you feel confident again!
Hair loss is traditionally associated as an issue that only affects men, but the truth is, 40% of hair loss patients are women.
Women Hair Loss
Men Hair Loss
There are many factors that contribute to hair loss, or thinning hair, and Dr. Cadmus is here to help develop the right treatment plan for you!

Hair loss treatment can be found at Central Austin Dermatology & Aesthetics and performed by Dr. Cadmus, Board-Certified Dermatologist.

Dr. Cadmus

Dr. Cadmus is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology and a member of the Skin of Color Society. Her training at Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin allowed her to explore and find her niche in skin of color and the diagnosis and treatment of hair loss. She found this to particularly rewarding because of the ability to help these complex patients. There are so many new treatments available that are effective for even the most challenging cases.
Science of Hair Loss

What controls hair growth?

Hair growth is regulated by a hair cycle consisting of three distinct phases. The anagen phase is the growth phase of the hair cycle which last approximately 3-7 years depending on the hair bearing site. The hair follicle then shortly enters a regression phase called catagen lasting ~2 to 3 weeks. Lastly the hair follicle transitions to the resting phase called telogen. The telogen phase last about 3 months, then the hair will shed and the cycles begins again with the formation of a new anagen follicle. On average approximately 85-90% of our hairs should be in the growing anagen phase, ~1% in the catagen phase and the remaining hairs will be in the telogen resting phase. Alterations in this cycle may lead to development of alopecia.

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia is defined as the partial or complete loss of hair from areas of the body where is normal grows. There are many different types of alopecias which can be associated with scaring, flaking, rash or symptoms such as pain or itch. Common types of alopecias include alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, androgenetic alopecia, traction alopecia, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, lichen planopilaris and discoid lupus to name a few.  Alopecia can affect men, women and individuals of all ages.

Types of Alopecia:

How is hair loss diagnosed?

Diagnosing hair loss can prove to be challenging and will usually require a detailed history and physical exam. During the exam your dermatologist may use a dermatoscope to closely examine your scalp, perform a hair pull to evaluate for increase in telogen (resting) hairs and/or pluck 10-20 hairs from your scalp for further microscopic evaluation. In certain cases, scalp biopsy and blood work may be required to aid in diagnosis.

How do we treat alopecia?

Treatment for inflammatory causes of hair loss may include use of immunosuppressants such as steroids (topical, intralesional or oral), methotrexate, Janus kinase inhibitors, antibiotics, antifungals and antimararials. Minoxidil, bimatoprost and platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections are treatments which may be recommended to induce the anagen (growth phase) of the hair cycle. If scaring hair loss has occurred, treatment will not regrow hair. Therefore, it is best to present to a dermatologist for early diagnosis and initiation of treatment if necessary.

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